IFC Development Pathway

International FC Academy

Comprehensive Player Development Academy Program

> Includes 2 Terms (3:1 Training to Game Ratio): October to September

> Program Duration: 46 Weeks

> District Membership: York Region Soccer Association


International FC supports the principles of Ontario Soccer’s LTPD framework with respect to player development, coaching education, and parent/guardian communication. In terms of player development, our coaching staff has been working closely with the following LTPD stages:


1.  Grassroots (U5 – U12)

This entry-level program gives a young child a head start in their development. The focus at this stage is to prompt young players to try the program, develop their coordinative abilities and fall in love with the sport. 


2.  Piccoli Amici (U6 – U8) – Primary Academy (Soccer School)

At the Pre-Academy stage it is very important that players learn their ABC’s – agility, balance and coordination. Developing coordination objectives and improving basic and applied motor skills, coupled with child-friendly activities help build the self-confidence, learning aptitude, and passion for soccer, which will carry forward in their development pathway. 


3.  Scuola Calcio (U9 – U12) – Junior Academy (Soccer School)

The Academy stage is divided into two particular age categories: Pulcini (Primary Soccer) and Esordienti (Junior Soccer). This stage requires core fundamental training on kicking, control, dribbling, heading, tackling, goalkeeping and throw-ins. It is very important for the player to become fundamentally proficient over time, promoting an efficient execution of technical acts and actions in various conditions, supporting better use of all fundamental abilities and encouraging the next stages of development. 


4.  Calcio Giovanile (U13 – U17) – Intermediate Showcase Soccer

As young players mature into their teenage years the Academy’s approach shifts from “learning to train” to “learning to compete”. The commitment and concentration of players’ grows at this stage, which allows the coaching staff to be more demanding and to teach more advanced concepts of the game, such as developing collective tactics. Players also start to be exposed to professional youth clubs/academies, NCAA, U Sports and other collegiate programs.


5.  Primavera (U18+) – High Performance 

This age group presents a limited number of players who are able to further their soccer careers beyond International Football Club. Players at this stage are more actively showcased internationally (at professional/collegiate level)  and in alignment with domestic high performance pathway (L1O, CPL, MLS).


6.  Soccer For Life (ages 18+)

Those that have not progressed out of the Academy as a player are welcome to play on our OSL (Men's or U21) teams or join our technical staff if the appropriate desire and attitude is present. International FC strives to keep its members in a lifelong soccer experience, where age or profession is irrelevant.



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